Dr Carmel Ferreira, NMD, LAc

Carmel Ferreira, NMD, LAc


42 North 200 East
Suite 1
American Fork, UT 84003
(801) 396-8850



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Office Hours
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Closed 09:30am to 06:00pm 09:30am to 06:00pm 09:30am to 06:00pm 09:30am to 06:00pm Closed Closed
This provider is not accepting online appointments currently. Call the doctor's office at (801) 396-8850 to book an appointment.
Dr. Carmel Ferreira is a Board-Certified Naturopathic Physician and Licensed Acupuncturist who specializes in Integrative Family Medicine. Her unique approach to primary health care uses a holistic approach by combining conventional Western medicine, Eastern medicine and natural medicine and therapies. Dr. Ferreira's focus is on treating the cause of health concerns by using an individualized protocol, beginning with diet and lifestyle. She also believes it is important to serve her community and has volunteered her time at the Survival Wellness, formally known as Cancer Wellness House, in Salt Lake City where she assisted cancer patients by providing Complementary and Alternative Medicine CAM. Dr. Ferreira is a native Spanish speaker, thus allowing her communicate with her Spanish speaking patients directly and not losing vital information that can be lost in translation. Her passion and dedication to health drives her to continually guide and inform individuals of resources available as to empower them to nurture their innate ability to heal as to reach optimal health.


La Dra. Carmel Ferreira es una medica naturopata certificada y una acupunturista autorizada que se especializa en medicina familiar integral. Su enfoque unico de la atencion primaria de salud utiliza un enfoque holistico que combina la medicina occidental convencional, la medicina oriental y la medicina y terapias naturales. El enfoque de la Dra. Ferreira es tratar la causa de los problemas de salud mediante el uso de un protocolo individualizado, comenzando con la dieta y el estilo de vida. Tambien cree que es importante servir a su comunidad y ha ofrecido su tiempo como voluntaria en Survival Wellness, formalmente conocido como Cancer Wellness House, en Salt Lake City, donde ayuda a pacientes con cancer brindandoles medicina alternativa y complementaria. La Dra. Ferreira es hablante nativa de espanol, lo que le permite comunicarse directamente con sus pacientes de habla hispana y no perder informacion vital que puede perderse en la traduccion. Su pasion y dedicacion a la salud la impulsan a guiar e informar continuamente a las personas sobre los recursos disponibles para empoderarlas a nutrir su capacidad innata de curarse y alcanzar una salud optima.

See my practice's website at:

42 North 200 East
Suite 1
American Fork, UT 84003

Hours of operation

Monday 9:30 am - 6 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6 pm