Mr Robert Thacker

Robert Thacker

Family Medicine

220 10Th Avenue South
Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 468-0850



Office Hours
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Closed 08:00am to 08:00pm 08:00am to 08:00pm 08:00am to 08:00pm 08:00am to 08:00pm 08:00am to 08:00pm Closed
This provider is not accepting online appointments currently. Call the doctor's office at (208) 468-0850 to book an appointment.
Robert Thacker, APRN is a certified Nurse Practitioner practicing with Allied Mental Health Services. He received his Associate of Science in Nursing from Treasure Valley Community College, and went on to receive both a Bachelor's and Master's of Science in Nursing from the University of Phoenix. He is also a Family Nurse Practitioner graduate from Graceland University. Mr. Thacker has Nurse Practitioner Experience in the following areas: Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Walk-In Urgent Care, Behavioral Health Medicine, and Occupational Medicine. He has Hospital Based Experience in the following areas: Emergency Care, Adult Critical Care, and MedicalSurgical Nursing.
220 10Th Avenue South
Nampa, ID 83651

Hours of operation

Monday 8 am - 8 pm
Tuesday 8 am - 8 pm
Wednesday 8 am - 8 pm
Thursday 8 am - 8 pm
Friday 8 am - 8 pm