Dr Sunil Pai, M.D.

Sunil Pai, M.D.

Family Medicine

9001 Holly Avenue
Albuquerque, NM 87122
(505) 821-6300



Office Hours
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Closed 09:00am to 05:00pm 09:00am to 05:00pm 09:00am to 05:00pm 09:00am to 05:00pm 09:00am to 05:00pm Closed
This provider is not accepting online appointments currently. Call the doctor's office at (505) 821-6300 to book an appointment.
Sunil Pai, MD is internationally recognized as an expert in Integrative Medicine, author, radio host, health activistinfluencer and thought a leader in the wellness industry. After his residency in Family Medicine at the University of New Mexico he became Board Certified in Family Medicine. He was one of the first physicians 18 years ago and youngest in the U.S. to become a Fellow of the Program in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona Class 2002 directed by Dr. Andrew Weil, the father of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Pai also became one of the first Board Certified MDs in Holistic Integrative Medicine in the U.S. After his Fellowship training, he then studied with and become certified by Dr. Deepak Chopra as a Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and a Creating Health Ayurveda Lifestyle Instructor. Dr. Pai then went further to enhance his knowledge Ayurvedic Medicine through specialized training at the Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda, and Intensive Yoga Therapies at the Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana in India. He is currently Senior Faculty at Ayurved Sadhana. Having trained under the two foremost gurus of natural medicine and mind-body medicine, he then became certified in Functional Medicine, Homotoxicology, and Physiological Regulating Medicine. In addition to mastering the fundamentals of these approaches, he went on to expand his services to patients by becoming certified in Medical Acupuncture and Neuro-Acupuncture through Stanford University School of Medicine and from the worlds expert in Neuro-Acupuncture, Dr. Jason Hao. From working closely with Dr. Hao since 2006, Dr. Pai was elected to be the Vice President of the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute, a non-profit organization focusing on teaching physicians neuro-acupuncture which is focused for pain conditions and neurological dysfunction such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy and autism. Dr. Pai also specializes in Auriculotherapy, a unique system of ear acupuncture that focuses on treatment of both food and inhalant allergies. In addition to treatment of food allergies, Dr. Pai provides up-to-date information on diet and lifestyle changes and its role in chronic diseases and cancer. Dr. Pai is certified in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University and the T. Colin Campbell Foundation and teaches each patient about the health benefits of eating whole food plant-based diets.
Sunil Pai, MD is a Deacon of the House of Sanjevani Integrative Medicine Health and Lifestyle Center located in Albuquerque, an Integrated Auxiliary of the Priory of Santa Fe. As a nonprofit organization, they provide full-service health education and Integrative Medicine services with an emphasis on indigenous and natural medicines. Part of this approach encompasses the patients belief system as an integral part of their health and healing. Sanjevani is also certified by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine PCRM, as an Educational Alliance Partner for delivering evidence-based, clinical plant-based nutritional programs.
Dr. Pai specializes in custom formulation of dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, Ayurvedic herbs, medical foods, homeopathics and CBD cannabidiols using safe, clinically effective ingredients. He has been a consultant to various nutraceutical companies as well as functional medicine testing companies. Over the past 16 years, Dr. Pai has studied the processing of raw materials from farm to manufacturing and from the bench top research to clinical studies. His interest in the benefits of natural therapies led to the development of Sanjevani nutraceutical products. Dr. Pai has become internationally recognized by his Sanjevanis flagship product, Bosmeric-SR, the strongest natural supplement for pain and inflammation support available worldwide. The all-natural, patented ingredients in a unique delivery system provide a bi-layered tablet with an immediate onset of action within 20 minutes and long lasting sustained release over an 8 hour period. Dr. Pai has helped thousands of patients worldwide with his critically acclaimed book An Inflammation Nation: The Definitive 10-step Guide to Preventing, Treating and Reversing All Diseases Through Diet, Lifestyle and the Use of Natural Anti-Inflammatories for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases and cancer. The Forward is written by his mentor and teacher Dr. Andrew Weil. The book was chosen by Kirkus Reviews to be listed in the Best of 2016 Indie Books.
Dr. Pai is also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and conducts seminars and workshops on a variety of health conditions. Dr. Pai lectures at national conferences and is actively publishing in the field of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Pai is one of a select group of Integrative Medicine physicians in the U.S. and only MD in New Mexico to be published in all 4 editions of David Rakel's Integrative Medicine Chapter: "Peripheral Neuropathy" published by Saunders, and in Benjamin Klinger and Roberta Anne Lee's Integrative Medicine: Principles in Practice Chapter: "Ayurvedic Medicine" published by McGraw-Hill. Recently he has had two articles published in Cancer Strategies Journal titled Plant-Based Diet and Natural Anti-Inflammatories Help to Prevent and Treat Cancer and is a recognized leader in cannabinoid medicines with a published article Cannabinoid Medicine From Industrial Hemp Oil: Another Practical and Legal Cannabidiol CBD Alternative. With his clinical experience of studying and using CBD for a variety of health conditions in his patients, Dr. Pai was chosen to be on Medical Advisory Board of Phivida Organics Inc, a publically traded company on the Candian Stock Exchange VIDA. He has assisted in the formulation and launch of a super premium CBD line of products, which are full spectrum organic, non-gmo and nano-encapsulated in eco-friendly packaging. Products ranging from sublingual tinctures to ice teas and other wellness functional foods blended with natural vitamins, Ayurvedic herbs, and other nutraceuticals.
Dr. Pai is known for being a health activistinfluencer. He is a sought out lecturer for speaking about the hidden truths within the food, pharmaceutical, and dietary supplement industries. From this demand, Dr. Pai along with Maureen Sutton, LMT AYU RYT launched a weekly Podcast called Take Back Your Health! on PodBean. Episodes are archived and available on demand, free on iTunes, Youtube House of Sanjevani Channel via our websites. The show will uncover the uncomfortable, unspoken truths about the healthcare, pharmaceutical, insurance, packagedfast foods, and dietary supplement industries. Weekly interviews with innovators, thrivers and heroes in all fields of health and wellness will help empower listeners to take back their health with evidence-based solutions through Integrative Medicine.
In addition from this demand of information requested from him and discussed on the radio show, he will soon be releasing a YouTube Channel providing EBR Evidence-Based Reviews on dietary supplements, food products and common medications that are being heavily marketed to the public on the internet, health food stores and pharmacies. By providing the public with honest and evidence-based information on these products, from reviewing the label claims, ingredients and marketing information, Dr. Pai will guide the consumer to distinguish what is fact from fiction. Empowering consumers and patients with education and increasing their consciousness are key elements in helping those achieve optimum health.
Dr. Pai consults with clinics in U.S., Curacao, Dubai, Thailand, India, Costa Rica and China on teaching his integrative medicine chronic disease and cancer supportive protocols. Dr. Pai lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico is also known as the RocDoc as his hobbies include playing drums, guitar and music trivia. Other interests include hiking and walking his dog, plant-based cooking and yoga.

See my practice's website at:

9001 Holly Avenue
Albuquerque, NM 87122

Hours of operation

Monday 9 am - 5 pm
Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm
Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm
Thursday 9 am - 5 pm
Friday 9 am - 5 pm